
Air travel with the Zillertaler Flugschule

Fly in new areas with breathtaking scenery and a stress-free atmosphere, thanks to the perfect organisation. Discover the world's best flying areas with us!

Hike & Fly


Einen Berg zu besteigen und danach einfach wieder ins Tal zu fliegen ist der Traum vieler Gleitschirmflieger.

Flying in Italy 2021

March 21st to 26th 2021 Meduno october 3rd to 8th 2021 Ligurian Spotorno

In the spring and autumn we are as always in Meduno and Ligurian coast up to Monaco (new) - where the weather is best!

Tyrolean alpine flying circuit


'No worries', you'll hear this 'Tyrolean pearl of wisdom' a lot on our Tyrolean Alpine flight circuit. Because it's really so. Our tour takes you through the unbelievably beautiful Tyrolean Alps.